Do you ever have that feeling of urgency to get into a relationship?
Like you will not be okay if you end up without a partner?
(And it persists, even though you have loving friends, family, colleagues, food, and a roof over your head?)
I’ve been there. And I’m here to tell you this:
You’re safe right now. You’re okay right now. And most of all: You are not broken.

First of all: there’s no sound reason for you to end up alone if you don’t want to be.
And second of all: even if you did, you’d be okay!
What you are missing most, is you, my dear.
What’s missing is knowing you are a safe haven for yourself. An inner loving acceptance of your desires and needs, your triggers and pitfalls. A place in which you can provide compassion for these.
What’s missing is knowing that you are a secure base, someone to fall back on at any time. Making it safe to go exploring whatever you encounter on your path. With values that help you discern what to move on from, and what to walk towards with confidence.

Imagine you would know that. Wouldn’t you be okay with whatever happens on your path? Wouldn’t you be okay with uncertainty? Wouldn’t you be able to trust life, finally?
Ok, back to relationships:
Imagine knowing that, whatever happens, you’re there for you. Wouldn’t it be okay not to have a partner (though sure, you would enjoy one)? And - even if you feel that would still not be okay...
Wouldn’t knowing that you will be there for you make it way more likely you’ll recognise and choose a partner that’s right for you?
(Yep, let that one sink in...)
So what are you waiting for? ;) Go out, take a walk with yourself, and let me know what you discovered in the comments! ⬇️
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